Xiaobo Xia
About Me
I am an incoming Postdoctoral Fellow at National University of Singapore, supervised by Prof. Tat-Seng Chua. Prior to this, I obtained my Ph.D. degree at The University of Sydney advised by Prof. Tongliang Liu. Before that, I got my B.E. degree at Xidian University, feeling fortunate to learn from Prof. Nannan Wang. I was a visiting scholar at Yale University and University of Science and Technology of China. My research area is data-centric AI. The main research interests include trustworthy and efficient AI, AI-generated content, and scientific machine learning. I am a recipient of Google PhD Fellowship 2022.
Top News
[May 2024] Three papers were accepted by ICML'24.
[Apr 2024] TAIDTM was accepted by TPAMI. Check it out!
[Mar 2024] One paper was accepted by TPAMI.
[Jan 2024] IDEAL was accepted by ICLR'24.
[Dec 2023] We release IDEAL and Nuggets towards data-efficient large language models. Check them out!
[Dec 2023] One paper was accepted by TPAMI.
[Sep 2023] One paper was accepted by NeurIPS'23.
[Jul 2023] Three papers were accepted by ICCV'23.
[Feb 2023] One paper was accepted by CVPR'23.
[Jan 2023] Three papers were was accepted by ICLR'23.
[Sep 2022] Three papers were accepted by NeurIPS'22.
[Feb 2022] One paper was accepted by CVPR'22.
[Jan 2022] Two papers were accepted by ICLR'22.
Research Interests
My general research interests lie in data-centric AI, with a particular emphasis on the following topics:
Trustworthy and Efficient AI:
- Learning with noisy labels (multi-class) [NeurIPS'19, NeurIPS'20, ICLR'21, ICML'21, ICLR'22, CVPR'22, TPAMI'23, ICLR'23, ICCV'23, TPAMI'24]
- Learning with noisy labels (multi-label) [NeurIPS'22, ICCV'23]
- Out-of-distribution detection/generalization [NeurIPS'22, ICLR'23, CVPR'23, NeurIPS'23]
- Learning from crowds [TPAMI’24]
- Data-efficient kernel mean estimation [KDD'22]
- Coreset selection [ICLR'23]
AI-Generated Content:
- Human motion generation [NeurIPS'22, ICCV'23]
- Large language models [ICLR'24, Preprint'23b]
Scientific Machine Learning:
- AI for physics
Honors & Awards
[2022] Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Machine Learning.
[2022] ICML Outstanding Reviewer Award.
[2021] NeurIPS Outstanding Reviewer Award.
[2021] Faculty of Engineering Research Scholarship.
[2020] Outstanding Graduate of Xidian University.
[2019] Chinese National Scholarship.