Xiaobo Xia

Xiaobo Xia's Photo 

Xiaobo Xia
PhD Student

School of Computer Science
Facult of Engineering
The University of Sydney

Email: xiaoboxia.uni@gmail.com
Google Scholar

About Me

I am currently a final-year PhD student advised by Prof. Tongliang Liu. Before that, I got my bachelor's degree at Xidian University, feeling fortunate to learn from Prof. Nannan Wang. I was a visiting scholar at University of Science and Technology of China in 2021. My research area is data-centric AI. The main research interests include trustworthy and efficient AI, AI-generated content, and scientific machine learning. I am a recipient of Google PhD Fellowship 2022.

Top News

  • [May 2024] Three papers were accepted by ICML'24.

  • [Apr 2024] TAIDTM was accepted by TPAMI. Check it out!

  • [Mar 2024] One paper was accepted by TPAMI.

  • [Jan 2024] IDEAL was accepted by ICLR'24.

  • [Dec 2023] We release IDEAL and Nuggets towards data-efficient large language models. Check them out!

  • [Dec 2023] One paper was accepted by TPAMI.

  • [Sep 2023] One paper was accepted by NeurIPS'23.

  • [Jul 2023] Three papers were accepted by ICCV'23.

  • [Feb 2023] One paper was accepted by CVPR'23.

  • [Jan 2023] Three papers were was accepted by ICLR'23.

  • [Sep 2022] Three papers were accepted by NeurIPS'22.

  • [Feb 2022] One paper was accepted by CVPR'22.

  • [Jan 2022] Two papers were accepted by ICLR'22.

Research Interests

My general research interests lie in data-centric AI, with a particular emphasis on the following topics:

Honors & Awards

  • [2022] Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Machine Learning.

  • [2022] ICML Outstanding Reviewer Award.

  • [2021] NeurIPS Outstanding Reviewer Award.

  • [2021] Faculty of Engineering Research Scholarship.

  • [2020] Outstanding Graduate of Xidian University.

  • [2019] Chinese National Scholarship.